PPGs aims & objectives
- Contribute to the continuous improvement of patient service.
- Help to improve communication between patients and the practice.
- Provide practical support and help.
PPGs are about
- Open and honest communication.
- Flexibility, listening, asking for feedback & offering support.
- Committed to delivering results.
- All views being valid.
PPGs are not
- A forum for individual complaints.
- A forum for single issues
Getting involved
No training is required to become a member of our PPG. The most important thing is that you are a registered patient, keen and focused on taking positive action to help the practice.
Be prepared to give opinions about the way the practice is run and any thoughts on how things could be improved – from the welcome patients get when they arrive at the practice, to the parking facilities or the appointment system.
You decide how often and when you would like to answer.
To join:
- fill out a Patient Participation Group registration form
Data protection
The information you provide will be used by Cromer Group Practice to contact you about health care services and activities. Your contacts will enable us to inform you of any events being run by any of our partner agencies and potential ways in which you can become involved.
Your details will only be used for this purpose and will not be shared with anyone else. The information you supply will be held securely and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. You can opt out of the PPG at any time by informing the practice manager who will arrange for your details to be removed.